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TV Network CMO Music Media Entertainment



Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Music TV Network

Based New York, NY - USA

Search Firm  Filcro Media Staffing, New York, NY - USA

Officer in Charge  Tony Filson, New York, NY - USA
Groups Music & Marketing

Reporting to Board Directors, CFO & CEO, in New York and Florida - USA




A Multiplex Multiplatform Multichannel Multicast Music TV network seeking departure from legacy media distribution, merchandising, and consumer music entertainment monetization.  

Based on technology and music library acquisition the TV Network proposed an aggressive and disruptive plan to challenge the way(s) music is produced, distributed, licensed and monetized across (8) eight media platforms.  The firm retained Filcro Media Staffing to recruit a CMO capable of leading their marketing efforts in their TV and digital businesses, relevant to B2B, B2C, and C2C modalities.


Client Situation

The CEO and CFO had inherited a CMO from a Music TV Network they acquired that lacked international experience as well as exposure to music publishers and digital businesses relevant to the firm's growth.  This incumbent CMO’s experience and acumen were limited to local, regional and national U.S. markets across OTA and he was relevant to the succession plan.

With the emphasis now on global distribution, monetization and marketing partnerships, it was necessary to identify, recruit and attract a CMO who could concentrate initially on The Americas and then build-out marketing resources in the U.K, Australia, Germany and Asia respectively for additional OTT, OEM, MSO, Satellite and Mobile platforms.    

With key genre recording artists and their management, music labels and publishers as catalysts for distribution across eight media platforms, it would be essential that this new CMO have equal capacity and efficacy with the music and broadcasting entities essential to the firm’s success.


Executive Search Committee Member(s) Industry and Sector Inclusion


  • OTA, OTT, MSO, DOOH, Cable and Satellite TV Broadcasting

  • Music Labels, Publishers, Distributors, 

  • Music Artists and Their Management

  • Music Tour and Concert Promoters

  • OEM - Original Electronic Manufactures

  • Music Merchandising and Licensing

  • Mobile Carriers and Digital Content Providers

  • Broadband and Telecommunications Companies for White Labeling

  • PRO's


Filcro Media Staffing is Retained


The Filcro Media Staffing Officer in Charge of Search, Tony Filson, met with the CEO in New York to discuss the immediate and long-term goals of the company as they related to marketing.  Strategic and tactical marketing initiatives with internal and external partnerships were examined as catalysts for each business, technical and creative unit of the company that also played a role in monetization.  

Affiliate, public relations, technology, consumer awareness and a host of B2B, B2C and C2C issues were discussed for domestic and international businesses that would be key determinants utilized during the recruitment process.    

Recruiting for this Chief Marketing officer commenced immediately and the CEO was extremely verbose in the type of relationship he was seeking with this CMO internal and external to the Network and the level of autonomy that would be required.

With a firm understanding of the makeup of the board as well as the respective heads of sales, affiliate distribution and music relations, it was easy to determine the right cultural fit. 

The search commenced New York and California as the logical geographics and ultimately, those targeted environments brought the search to fruition.  Chicago, Redmond, Nashville, Atlanta and Miami also populated the initial search universe with qualified candidates.


Challenges Facing the new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)


  • Addressing Immediate Affiliate Distribution Initiatives Across (8) Eight Media Platforms - OTA, Cable, Satellite, OEM, OTT, Mobile, DOOH and Social Media

  • Technology Requirements for Marketing - Internal & External

  • Music Partner Programs for Artists, Publishers & Consumers

  • Genre Specific Programs Targeted at Consumers

  • OEM and Mobile Media Creative Templates - Device Specific

  • Across all Business Partner Businesses ie. Automotive, Entertainment, Electronics, CPG, Adult Beverage, QSR's, BigBox, Financials etc. Development of Library and Licensed Music Programs for Advertising Sales Market Partnerships

  • Music Merchandising Programs to Consumers

  • Budgets for Technology, Creative and Business Marketing Programs

  • Hiring of Personnel at a Cadence to Support New Programs

  • Board Responsibilities With CEO, CFO, CIO, CRO & CHRO

  • Formalize Reporting for Internal and External Partners 

  • Finalizing Media Analytics and Metrics Modalities for Qualitative and Quantitative Market Research for Digital & TV Platforms that created primary vs. secondary source.  

  • Establishing relationships with PRO's, ASCAP, BMI, Music Publishes and JV Partners


Filcro Media Staffing’s Recruitment Modality


The new CMO would be working with honed contemporaries from a compilation of the World's largest media and entertainment companies.  Many of which were recruited by Filcro Media Staffing.  From their respective industries in broadcasting, music, technology and merchandising their global acumen and monetization modalities would require a CMO who could be a substantial catalyst in the success of the company.

This CMO would also have to drive revenue independently by conceiving, planning and executing marketing initiatives with motion picture studios and music labels and even multinational CPG companies.  This executive would require strong multiplatform media experience to assure that the business affairs aspects of partnerships were realistic.  Based on the diverse and complex agreements surrounding the distribution and their associated technology across (8) media platforms this would require exceptional reasoning to bring them to fruition.

Taking into consideration the B2B, B2C and C2C programs this CMO could not be burdened in a heavily layered environment where he or she was compartmented and unable to perform tactically and strategically.  The OIC’s profile of targeted (CMO) ideals consisted of those with large multinational, entrepreneur and start-up compilations of business experience.  

Total first-round universe (26) candidates from (82). Second round (11) candidates from (26). Initiating the third round of interviews for the search in New York and Los Angels there were (7) from (26).   Seven U.S. based marketing executives met all the criteria set by the OIC at the third phase of universe compilation.  Between Miami, Atlanta and Redmond there were an additional (4) four candidates of interest who were second tiered if the search took a new direction based on M&A activity.

After three rounds of interviews, it became apparent, that (3) three of the (7) seven candidates were ideals.

Tony Filson as the OIC met again with the CEO and CFO to discuss the final (3) candidates before a final fourth round of interviews. 

Each candidate was examined in detail with regard to every immediate and long-term goal of the company.  The general consensus was unanimous amongst the CEO, CFO and even the firm's investment bankers.  


It was now time for each executive to justify their findings one final time before a formal offer could be made so the targeted executive could also understand why he was being hired vs. the other two finalists.

Ultimately the CMO hired also had to make a decision; he had another offer in hand.  Currently residing in New York City he was offered another position in the Southeast with a motion picture studio.    

After careful thought and to everyone's "joy" the CMO accepted the CEO’s offer.  The new Chief Marketing Officer with a vested interest in the success of the firm has everything required to make this opportunity the most significant career and financial success he has partaken in, in his respected career.

The Successful CMO Recruited


The new CMO recruited was a true media brand builder and strategic leader.

As the CMO of a substantial entertainment company operating in music, television, digital, studio, licensing, talent management, themed attractions and touring, he had the media diversity and broad media acumen to lead across the firm’s (8) eight media platforms.

With extensive experience building media companies and brands, he worked with public and private equity in many successful endeavors that were global household names in the media industry.

From the most successful “Music TV” franchise on television in history to the World’s most prolific recording artists this exceptional CMO was the driving force behind some of the most profitable media brands in history.

As a merchandiser, he was a skilled leader with one the World's largest music companies.  His proven experience monetizing music and music entertainment in a competitive global marketplace was formidable.

Prior to working in the entertainment industry this CMO worked for one the world's largest CPG/Food companies and was responsible for marketing brands that became household names on every shelf in every store in the world.  

After graduate school, this CMO was driving marketing initiatives with one of the largest multinational U.S financial institutions.

Looking at this CMO’s career from the time he received his MBA to today, there is no doubt that he will continue his record of success in building media companies, media brands and media executives in a productive manner.


Follow Up


Filcro Media Staffing's management consulting services led by Tony Filson spun off the asset as directed by the board.  Filcro Media Staffing not only provided leadership through executive recruitment but FMS also facilitated the "ultimate" monetization of the asset, sought by shareholders and the firm's investment bankers.












Marketing Executive Search Music TV
Music TV Network Executive Search Firms for Marketing and Sales
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