Broadcasting and Digital Media Sales
Regional, National and International Media Sales Executive Search
Advertising, Sponsorship, Technology, UGC, Affiliate, Origination, Production, Media Services, Media Library & Music, Social Networking, Programmatic and CGC/UGC Monetization.
Filcro Media Staffing provides international and domestic market recruitment of CRO’s, CSO’s, Presidents, GSM's, Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers and Account Executives of TV and digital advertising sales as well as many other disciplines and verticals for the sole purpose of monetization.
Specialized sales recruitment areas are media technology, direct response, curated content, sponsorship, workflow and systems, affiliate sales, origination and production services, creative content, programmatic and sponsorship sales. This is an extensive page to browse.
Filcro Media Staffing recruits media advertising and media services and goods sales executives for varied combinations of media platforms, media products, media assimilators, and broadcasters. The firm’s media sales recruitment experience is noted and attracts talented TV and digital media sales and technology sales executives on strategic and tactical levels. For single or multicast, multiplex, multichannel media platforms and associated product monetization for all industry verticals and services.
The Primary Media Platforms & Products Recruited For
Broadcast TV OTA | OTT | Cable Nets | MSO | Mobile | DOOH/OOH | Gaming | Social Networks | Radio | HD Radio | Outdoor | Online | Music & Music Publishers | Search Engine | Print | Place-Based | OEM’s | Digital Publishers & Producers
The Primary Industries and Verticals Recruited For, Related to Advertising Sales
Adult Beverage, Apparel, Automotive, Beverage, Big Box, CPG, DR, Education, Electronics, Entertainment, Financials, Gaming, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Luxury Brands, Mobile, Motion Picture, Music, Pharmaceutical, Political, Professional Services, QSR’s, Retail, Social Networking, Telecommunications, Travel & Leisure
Comprehensive Media Sales Recruitment Services
Below are a few examples of media sales searches with revenue goals and sales operational goals transparent and brought to fruition by Filcro Media Staffing.
CRO - Music Media & Digital Entertainment
CSO - TV Music & Entertainment
EVP - Sports Sponsorship, Licensing & Marketing
SVP - National Sales Origination, Production & Creative Services
SVP - TV Network Sales Op's
SVP - Advertising & Broadcasting Technology Sales
VP - TV Network Interactive Sales
VP - TV Network Affiliate Sales
Senior Director - Ad Sales Planning
Director Integrated National Advertising Sales
Director National Automotive & CPG
Director National Advertising Sales HD Radio
Director Online Advertising Sales
Director Paid Programming Advertising Sales
Manager(s) National Advertising Sales
Sales - General Case Histories
For examples of executive searches specific to social networking, consumer activation and user-generated content (UGC).
Filcro Media Staffing headquartered in New York City. Los Angeles and Silicon Valley and Florida recruits sales executives and their required sales support structures anywhere in the United States for domestic and international markets. US | LATAM | EU | ASIA | MENA
When identifying, recruiting, attracting and at times, relocating a single key sales executive or an entire national sales force, Filcro Media Staffing utilizes proven methodologies, that are documented.
Filcro Media Staffing provides honed media sales recruitment services with over 200,000 comprehensive media O&D profiles,thirty-years of media and broadcasting industry acumen and solid relationships to assure timely identification. Hard and soft skill sets are analyzed on four levels determining current and future capacity for each sales executive.
Filcro Media Staffing begins each media sales executive search with a complete understanding of a client's current markets: local, regional, national or international. We then analyze a client company's penetration of markets and their competitors through metrics that relate current and proposed sales budgets to an "ideal". The firm then identifies the media sales executives with the proper skills, revenue history, and relationships to achieve that "ideal" in each firm's unique culture.
Sophisticated media recruitment modalities facilitate an extensive search universe at the onset in an expeditious manner. Over 90% of the executives recruited and placed by Filcro Media Staffing were not actively seeking employment when the firm first approached them.
When confidential change is a consideration, Filcro Media Staffing provides the sensitivities and experience to make transitions seamless without industry or internal awareness.
Filcro Media Staffing is one of the most effective media sales executive search firms in the world. Client Recommendations.
A Few Examples of Filcro Media Staffing Sales Executive Searches
Global CRO
Chief Revenue Officer
Music Media & Digital Entertainment
Music TV, Music Merchandising, Music TV Networks, Music Production, Music Licensing, OTT/OTA/OEM/Mobile Broadcasting and Music Publishing assets and monetization
Based New York, NY - USA
Executive Search Firm Filcro Media Staffing
Officer in Charge of Search Tony Filson Reporting to the CEO and Investment Bankers
Client U.S. holding company acquiring music and music entertainment assets.
Search Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) - Global Markets
Client Situation
Recognizing opportunities for music-related content and merchandising this media holding company was formed to acquire assets related to:
Music Production
Music Publishing
Music Artist Relations
Music Video Production
Music Entertainment Broadcasting Across Multiple Platforms
Music Dissemination: TV: OTA, OTT, Cable/MSO, Satellite, Mobile, DOOH, Online, OD, OEM & Publishing Partners
The goal was to combine content and digital platform dissemination across all music genres to provide alternative assimilation that coincided with the firm’s proprietary technology and intellectual property. CAPEX was to be kept to a minimum by not utilizing traditional BO&E, affiliate distribution, and music publishing agreements. OPEX was to be minimized through proprietary technology that could consolidate costs for multichannel, multiplex, multiplatform broadcast, traffic, inventory, client services and planning for traditional and programmatic modalities.
Executive Search Committee Member(s) Industry and Sector inclusion
Investment Banking and a Private Placement Firm
Cable Net, MSO, Broadcast TV & OTT
Broadcast & Digital Radio
Music Publishing
OEM, Mobile & Broadband
The CEO identified Filcro Media Staffing (FMS) and Tony Filson (TF) functioning as Officer in Charge of Search to identify the new CRO.
Successful CRO Recruited by Filcro Media Staffing
This emerging and unique entity formally launched with immediate monetization as a true multi-platform, multicast, digital and on-air multiplex under the guidance of this highly skilled CRO. Coming from a multi-billion dollar broadcasting, music and entertainment conglomerate, the firm is very well positioned within the industry and engaging consumers at a noted cadence.
The CRO's experience with one the world's most noted music cable nets and extensive digital media sales leadership were ideal for the company based on their music rights agreements going forward.
The CRO was deemed so effective by the board and their equity partners that the CRO has been promoted to CEO. This was a position previously held by one of the founding partners. The organization, now sales centric experienced over 200% growth during the first year of his leadership. The company as of this case history is poised for an M&A transaction. This search was a true testament to how a single change agent can determine the success of a company, we look forward to following their continued growth as their domestic and international music rights are renegotiated across their multiplatform, multichannel, multiplex.
Search OIC Tony Filson | Contact | Case Histories | ExecutiveSearch.TV
Chief Sales Officer
Music, Entertainment, Social Networking, Communication
Client Global Media and Entertainment Conglomerate.
Search Chief Sales Officer / Executive Vice President
Based New York, NY
Search Firm Filcro Media Staffing
Officer in Charge Tony Filson
Reporting to Chairman of the Board
Client Situation
An executive search committee was formed consisting of representation from each primary constituency to identify an executive search firm to conduct the national search to identify a new global CSO/EVP.
Executive Search Committee Member(s) Industry and Sector Inclusion
Television Broadcasting
Motion Picture
Media Ratings Analysis
Music Publishing and Production
Social Networking
The executive search committee (ESC) unanimously voted to retain Filcro Media Staffing (FMS). Based on the firm’s diverse media sales recruitment experience, the board knew the search would be brought to fruition expeditiously and confidentially with exceptional sales leadership to choose from.
Filcro Media Staffing is Retained
Filcro Media Staffing with Tony Filson as Officer in Charge of Search (OIC), met with the ESC and commenced with the search by first re-establishing a consensus of the committee based on Filcro Media Staffing’s experience with similar searches for senior-level media sales executives for the music and broadcasting industries.
The diversity of the business, technical and creative constituencies on the executive search committee caused debate as to whom the ideal CSO would be. After Filcro Media Staffing presented compensation and media platform budgets from previous searches in NY, CA and IL, the ESC agreed on the key experience criterion to be utilized for universe compilation.
Filcro Media Staffing was provided a strategic overview of where the board would like to see the firm from a structural and revenue perspective within 1-3 & 5-year increments. TV, Online, OEM and Mobile platforms were compartmented to assure that the budgets desired were realistic. Some of the affiliate and rights agreements when Filcro was retained, were not formalized yet.
Some of the challenges facing the new CSO / Executive Vice President
Establishing offices in New York. Los Angeles, Chicago, Mexico, South America and Europe
Hiring sales staff and leadership for all offices
Creating a domestic and international sales operations infrastructure
Initiating domestic and global revenue share agreements
Setup digital ad network relationships
Streamline costs associated with business, technical and creative assets
Vendor Partnerships - Content Relationships
Filcro Media Staffing’s Recruitment Solution
Filcro Media Staffing proceeded to Identify the "best in industry" CSO’s; EVP’s and SVP’s from appropriate media environments with proven records of
success building sound infrastructure of media companies with similar revenue goals in domestic digital and international broadcast media markets.
1, 3 and set The board had
5 year revenue goals so it was essential that the CSO had exhibited efficacy in multiple phases of revenue growth at a similar cadence.
Experience with startups or acquired media assets rolling out with similar distribution across multicast multiplexed media platforms would be essential.
The board required expeditious recruitment to meet revenue projections to assure that the acquisition of a competitor could take place the following year. Ultimately, Filcro met those goals at the aggressive cadence required.
Successful CSO / EVP Recruited
A CSO / EVP was identified, recruited and hired with both startup and global media conglomerate experience across three substantial media platforms. This executive had led and grown individual teams in the $20 Million to $600 Million USD ranges.
From a cultural perspective, the executive was well suited to work with the president of each operating group as peers in: technology, business, and creative environments.
The new CSO / EVP was quick to set up US and international operations and the agreements desired by the board in line with their business plans. The proposed acquisition of media assets was facilitated.
Filcro Media Staffing’s OIC Tony Filson was complemented by the board for identifying an executive who exceeded their expectations. Subsequently, Filcro Media Staffing was asked to staff all sales and sales support staffing in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami.
Search OIC Tony Filson | Contact | Case Histories | ExecutiveSearch.TV
Senior Vice President Sales (SVPS)
National TV and Digital Networks
Origination, Production and Creative Services Sales
Client National provider of TV Network origination, production and broadcasting creative services for TV broadcast, motion picture, and digital media platforms.
Officer in Charge of Search Tony Filson reporting to the President
Executive Search Firm Filcro Media Staffing
Based DFW, TX - USA - Dallas, Fort Worth Area
Search Senior Vice President Sales & Operations - National
Client Situation An investment group, led by individual investors, funded the expansion of broadcast, technology, and production services infrastructure of an emerging national player in TV Network Origination. The owners were seeking a honed change agent to bring their business and investment goals to fruition.
The new president, as a key investor, contacted Filcro Media Staffing to engage the firm in setting a course of action from a recruitment and management consulting perspective for strategic expansion, monetization and operational guidance subsequent to CAPEX.
Business Sector Inclusions
TV Production & Post Production Studios
Motion Picture Production & Post Production Studios
Broadcasting Production, Post & Technical Operations Companies
Digital Production Technologists and Solutions Providers
Media Technology Providers and VAR’s
TV Network Origination and Production Services Providers - RF, Cloud, Sat, Fiber
Media Workflow Solutions Companies
NOC, Headend and Teleport Facilities
Filcro Media Staffing is Retained
Filcro Media Staffing is Retained
Filcro Media Staffing’s goals for this executive search were threefold.
Market Expansion
The president of the client company brought forward a clear vision and realistic business goals that he was able to articulate concisely. The president granted Filcro Media Staffing unusual autonomy, so his objectives could be met expeditiously.
Filcro Media Staffing’s Officer in Charge of the search proceeded with TX, GA, NC, NY and CA universe compilation to tier the search appropriately.
Eight (8) possible business organizational structures in three (3) geographics with three (3) categories for tiering were established with a total universe upon completion of six (6) finalists with three (3) on the first tier. One (1) candidate was hired as SVP and another is slated for future employment a month after the SVP was hired. National monetization, Operations, and National Market Expansion would be facilitated and expedited by hiring both executives at an accelerated pace.
The Filcro Media Staffing Recruitment Solution
Separating the strategic business leadership, broadcast and production operational experience and sales expertise into logical silos, it was apparent that NY or LA also needed to be key players for new business development while TX managed BO&E, production, post and optimized local and regional clients then managed nationals as they were introduced.
Once the final tiers were established and the firm’s “ideals” identified, assuring a cultural fit came next.
With the firm’s ecology positive and now under management that was seeking growth, it was also important the new SVP have a similar personal and professional ecology to assure continuity.
The executive search was evolving into the perfect group of scenarios for the president as early as four (4) weeks after retaining Filcro Media Staffing. In eight (8) weeks, the new SVP was identified, recruited, attracted and accepted the offer made by the firm.
During the executive search process, with Tony Filson functioning as the officer in charge, he also identified an individual that he felt could help the firm strategically. The president of the client company agreed and is seeking to hire this executive also. This executive search and the strategic advice obtained facilitated an expedited timeline to the president's business and monetization objectives.
The Talented New SVP of Sales Recruited
Filcro Media Staffing worked outward from the DFW area and ultimately, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta and North Carolina contributed to the initial universe.
Of the two executives being hired based on this executive search, Texas and Los Angeles produced the SVP and VP respectively
The new Senior Vice President of Origination Sales and Operations was an industry veteran with exceptional, soft and hard skills. Attracted from a larger company and direct competitor in the region he earned a reputation for being innovative and building upon solid business practices. This executive turned an in-house facility servicing a national electronics retailer into the largest and most successful company of its type in the region.
The new SVP also had a reputation of building unusual esprit de corps and the president of the client company now reorganizing and optimizing the reporting structures in the company needed someone with exceptional management skills.
This Texas-based company that retained Filcro Media Staffing to conduct this executive search has exceeded every business and monetary objective planned.
For Additional Sales Case Histories